Is this intended as an antenna RF ground, or a simple electrical ground? Not sure which it is. I have an antenna tuner which has a lug on the back marked 'Ground'.
I am concerned with RF grounding for this antenna. The paperwork that comes with this little unit says that it can be used for power levels up to 150W but so far I have only used it pretty much for PSK31 and low power SSB (50W or less). This 9:1 unun does NOT have a terminal for a ground just a bolt and nut to connect a random wire antenna and an SO-239 socket on the side. One end is 25' up in a tree (isolated from the tree limb itself by an egg insulator and 4' of rope, of course) and the other end is atop a 10' pvc mast where it connects to a 9:1 unun transformer (the one sold by EARCHI). I have a 33' long sloper end-fed antenna.